Flash News NA 18/07/2024
Additional payment per account

Portugal_ The payment of taxes is a duty that must be fulfilled by all taxpayers, whether business or individual.

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Flash News NA 17/07/2024
Portugal_ End of mandatory VAT registration books

Portuguese taxpayers without organized accounting will no longer be required to purchase physical books for VAT registration.

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Flash News NA 16/07/2024
Portugal_Holiday Enjoyment

The preferred holiday period approaches, here is some general information about the main rules regarding holiday enjoyment.

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Flash News NA 28/06/2024
Taxes in Portugal Young People Special resume

Have you started working? Here are some of the things that are not taught at school!

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Flash News NA 13/06/2024
Portugal_IES Declaration (Simplified Corporate Information) of 2023

The IES (Simplified Corporate Information) declaration for the 2023 tax period must be submitted until the 15th of July of 2024.

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Flash News NA 12/06/2024
Soft Skills, significance, examples and how to develop them

Soft skills are a set of abilities and competencies related to human behavior.
In this way, they are considered necessary characteristics for a professional to achieve their professional objectives, what they establish for their career.

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Flash News NA 7/05/2024
Wage Garnishments - New procedures in the issuance of garnishments on the Tax Authority portal

New response procedures to wage garnishments were announced on the website of the Tax and Customs Authority during April, in order to address the reported constraints in their issuance on the portal.

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Flash News NA 6/05/2024
Surveys from the National Statistics Institute (INE)

Answering surveys from the National Statistics Institute (INE) can be a complex task, requiring time and relevant information that only the Certified Accountant has. Depending on the type of survey, the questions can be of a professional, technical, or financial nature.

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Flash News NA 17/04/2024
Payment of personal income tax by instalments in Portugal

You've just done your IRS simulation and found yourself with an amount to pay that exceeded your worst estimates. What should you do? Can you pay in instalments?

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Flash News NA 4/04/2024
Portugal_Income statement for 2023

The campaign to submit the 2023 tax return - Model 3 began on 1 April and will continue until 30 June 2024, which will be the last day to submit the tax return via the Tax Authority's website.

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Flash News NA 3/04/2024
Chartered Accountants

New Regulations - Chartered Accountants.

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Flash News NA 26/03/2024
Single Report “Relatório Único” in Portugal

The Single Report brings together a series of crucial information about employment, working conditions, and professional training within a company and it is an essential tool for human resources management.

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Flash News NA 22/03/2024
Changes in Compensation for Teleworking; What Has Changed in Portugal?

In recent years, we have witnessed a significant evolution in the remote working regulation, with the growing adherence to teleworking in various sectors.

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Flash News NA 05/03/2024
CIT - What has changed with state budget 2023

With the end of 2023, the closing cycle now begins for most companies, except for those that have opted for a differentiated tax regime.

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Flash News NA 28/02/2024
Amends to the legal regimes of the Labour Compensation Fund and the Labour Compensation Guarantee Fund in Portugal

The legal regimes of the Work Compensation Fund (FCT) and the Guarantee Fund for Work Compensation (FGCT) have changed with the publication of DL 115/2023, of December 15th.
Regarding the FCT, the changes are profound, highlighting the definitive cessation of some of the employers' obligations, including making deliveries to the Fund, the extinction of employers' debts to the FCT and the change of the purposes for which it can be mobilized. Following these changes, the Fund will no longer be structured around individual registration accounts per employee, which will merge into a single global account per employer.

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Flash Notícias NA 1/2013
Feriados em 2013 Datas a considerar no processamento salarial

A Lei n.º 23/2012 de 25 junho, que procedeu à terceira alteração ao Código do Trabalho, veio introduzir significativas alterações no regime dos feriados em Portugal.

Flash Notícias NA 6/2015
Alterações ao normativo contabilístico a entrar em vigor em 2016

Foi publicado em 2 de junho o Decreto-Lei n.º 98/2015, que transpôs para Portugal a Diretiva n.º 2013/34/UE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 26 de junho de 2013, relativa às demonstrações financeira anual, às demonstrações financeiras consolidadas e aos relatórios conexos de alguns tipos de empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 7/2015
Alteração da aplicação das taxas de tributação autónoma em viaturas em 2015

Uma das grandes preocupações das empresas são as taxas de tributação autónoma, nomeadamente em relação às viaturas que são as que tem maior relevância na esfera de uma empresa.

Desde 1 de janeiro de 2015, passam a estar sujeitas a tributação autónoma, nos termos já previstos para as viaturas ligeiras de passageiros, os ligeiros de mercadorias referidos na alínea b) do n.º1 do artigo 7.º do Código do Imposto sobre Veículos (CISV) (“automóveis ligeiros de utilização mista e aos automóveis ligeiros de mercadorias, que não sejam tributados pelas taxas reduzidas nem pela taxa intermédia”).

Flash Notícias NA 1/2016
Regras do IVA em operações com entidades relacionadas

Quando empresas ou outras entidades se encontrem em situação de relações especiais por fazerem parte do mesmo grupo económico, podem realizar vendas e outras operações com condições distintas das que são utilizadas entre entidades independentes.

Numa conjuntura económica desfavorável e com elevada carga fiscal a assessoria de contabilidade é uma ferramenta indispensável para as empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 2/2016
O reporte de prejuízos em sede de IRC o que muda com o OE/2016?

O Código do Imposto sobre Rendimento de Pessoas Colectivas (IRC) contém um mecanismo que permite que os prejuízos ocorridos em determinado exercício possam ser compensados em exercícios posteriores em que se verifiquem resultados positivos.