Nominaurea - Taxation



Our tax advisory services are the product of many years of experience in the fiscal management of organizations.

Our experience and knowledge, allow us to reconcile the implementation of the most efficient tax solutions, while at the same time guaranteeing the reduction of risks, litigation and contingencies with the Tax Authority.

Through our analysis and comprehension of the economic and financial system, we will maximise your company’s tax efficiency and profitability.

To render these services, the following tasks are generally performed by our team:

+ Regular fiscal supervision, treasury, social security and commercial registry certificates issuance

In Portugal, whenever a company participates in tenders for the supply of products and services to the state, collects invoices from public entities or requests bank credit, needs to prove that its tax situation has been regularized before the tax and social security authorities, as well as present the updated commercial register. All these services are guaranteed by our company.

+ Providing outsourcing services to tax-related areas

There are significant advantages in hiring outsourcing partners, among others, the reduction of fixed costs, access to specialized skills and experience that allow significant process improvements. Count on Nominaurea to proceed with the presentation of all taxes and contributions within the legally established deadlines.

+ Support and assistance in inspections of the Tax Administration

Assistance to clients in the tax authority's investigation processes, either in tax inspections notified to taxpayers or in requests for clarification from the tax authority services, which may include written answers and the preparation of documents; to be present in meetings of discussion of critical issues with the tax inspection and advising in the exercise of Right of Hearing and in the preparation of complaints and other resources with the clients or with their lawyers.

+ Calculation, validation and delivery of IRC (Model 22), IRS, IVA, IS, IUC; IMI; IMT, and other taxes

IRC - Corporate income tax (Model 22) - preparation and delivery from 1st - 31st May of the following year: treatment of information on the deductibility of expenses, timing and value of taxation of revenue, taxation of revenue obtained outside Portugal and applicable tax credits or exclusions, application of tax benefits, application of taxation to non-residents who obtain income in Portugal, settlement methods and timing of payments and deductions at source and forms of recovery or deduction;

IRS - individual income tax - preparation and delivery from April 1s t - June 30th of the following year: completion of statements appropriate to the different types of income, tax calculation, taxation of income obtained abroad and deductions at source;

VAT - Value added tax - MONTHLY preparation and delivery by the tenth day of the second month / QUARTERLY until the fifteenth day of the second month following the last month of the quarter: analysis of incidence, deductibility and tax calculation, location of operations, taxation of transactions with other EU countries or outside the EU, assistance in the taxation of transactions carried out by non-residents in Portugal, advice on repayment processes;

IS - stamp tax- preparation and delivery from 1st - 20th of the following month: This tax is due on financial transactions;

IUC - circulation tax - annual issuance of payment document in the month of registration of each vehicle: This tax is due on motor vehicles;

IMI - municipal property tax: This tax applies to the VPT - taxable property value of each property;

IMT - municipal tax on the onerous transmission of real estate: This tax applies to real estate transactions;”

+ IES - simplified business information

Annual delivery by 15th July of the following year of the simplified business information declaration and its annexes. The IES consists of a form of delivery, by electronic means and in a totally dematerialized form, of declaratory obligations of an accounting, fiscal and statistical nature.

+ Model 30

The model declaration 30 consists of compulsory delivery where income is paid or made available to non-resident entities and must be submitted by electronic data transmission by the end of the second month following the payment or making available of the income.

+ Transfer pricing file

Support in the mandatory elaboration of the transfer pricing file for all companies that meet the criteria established in the law.

+ Fiscal Dossier

Support in the mandatory elaboration of the tax file for all companies according to the criteria established in the law.


Due to the international experience of our company and particularly the operations between Iberian and European companies, we have identified the main aspects to be taken into account in the tax restructuring of investments, both for European companies operating in Portugal and for Portuguese companies operating throughout Europe.

Flash Notícias NA 1/2013
Feriados em 2013 Datas a considerar no processamento salarial

A Lei n.º 23/2012 de 25 junho, que procedeu à terceira alteração ao Código do Trabalho, veio introduzir significativas alterações no regime dos feriados em Portugal.

Flash Notícias NA 6/2015
Alterações ao normativo contabilístico a entrar em vigor em 2016

Foi publicado em 2 de junho o Decreto-Lei n.º 98/2015, que transpôs para Portugal a Diretiva n.º 2013/34/UE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 26 de junho de 2013, relativa às demonstrações financeira anual, às demonstrações financeiras consolidadas e aos relatórios conexos de alguns tipos de empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 7/2015
Alteração da aplicação das taxas de tributação autónoma em viaturas em 2015

Uma das grandes preocupações das empresas são as taxas de tributação autónoma, nomeadamente em relação às viaturas que são as que tem maior relevância na esfera de uma empresa.

Desde 1 de janeiro de 2015, passam a estar sujeitas a tributação autónoma, nos termos já previstos para as viaturas ligeiras de passageiros, os ligeiros de mercadorias referidos na alínea b) do n.º1 do artigo 7.º do Código do Imposto sobre Veículos (CISV) (“automóveis ligeiros de utilização mista e aos automóveis ligeiros de mercadorias, que não sejam tributados pelas taxas reduzidas nem pela taxa intermédia”).

Flash Notícias NA 1/2016
Regras do IVA em operações com entidades relacionadas

Quando empresas ou outras entidades se encontrem em situação de relações especiais por fazerem parte do mesmo grupo económico, podem realizar vendas e outras operações com condições distintas das que são utilizadas entre entidades independentes.

Numa conjuntura económica desfavorável e com elevada carga fiscal a assessoria de contabilidade é uma ferramenta indispensável para as empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 2/2016
O reporte de prejuízos em sede de IRC o que muda com o OE/2016?

O Código do Imposto sobre Rendimento de Pessoas Colectivas (IRC) contém um mecanismo que permite que os prejuízos ocorridos em determinado exercício possam ser compensados em exercícios posteriores em que se verifiquem resultados positivos.