Legal Advice

This Disclaimer is intended to regulate the Privacy Policy web page owned by NOMINAUREA - Consultoria Fiscal e Contabilidade, Lda.

According to Electronic Communications law, we present our data:


Registered corporate name:Nominaurea - Consultoria Fiscal e Contabilidade, Lda.
ID number:507 753 712
Head Office:Av.Duque d'Ávila, 141- 1ºEsqº, 1050-081 Lisboa
Phone number:(+351) 210 539 673


Data in Commercial Registry


NOMINAUREA - Consultoria Fiscal e Contabilidade, Lda., registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon under the ID number 507 753 712.


Intellectual Property


NOMINAUREA is the owner of the graphic design elements of this Website, images, animations, source code and software, texts, and all other contents or components of the Website and it is not allowed the reproduction and / or publication of all or part of the website or its computerized processing, its distribution, public communication, or its modification or conversion, without the prior written approval of NOMINAUREA.


The user, exclusively, may use the contents which appears on this website for personal and private use, being prohibited its use for commercial purposes or to incur in activities contrary to law.




The use of the website implies the full and unreserved acceptance of the conditions established in this Legal Notice from the moment the user accesses the page.


Therefore, the user must carefully read this Legal Notice


1 NOMINAUREA may modify or update, without prior notice, the information contained in this website, as well as its configuration, presentation and access conditions.


2 NOMINAUREA does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website, in its content, nor that it is up to date, although it will use its best efforts to avoid or correct such errors and to update such content.


3 The User undertakes to use the website in accordance with the law and this legal notice, as well as morality and reasonable conduct and public order.


4. NOMINAUREA ensures that all content and services offered in respect the principle of personal dignity, the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, nationality, disability or any personal or social circumstances, as well as the principle of youth and childhood protection.


5. NOMINAUREA undertakes to NOT PERFORM MISLEADING ADVERTISING. Shall not be considered as misleading advertising the formal or numeric errors which may be found throughout the content of the different sections of the web page. The NOMINAUREA commits to rectify as soon as possible, once it has knowledge of these errors.



It will not be considered as marketing communication any information sent to customers or contacts of NOMINAUREA, intended to maintain the existing relation between customers and NOMINAUREA, as well as render information or other inherent tasks from the engagement.


7. The access to this website, and the use that may be made of the information contained therein, is the responsibility of who does it. NOMINAUREA will not be responsible for any consequence, damage or loss that may arise from such access or use of information.

Similarly, NOMINAUREA is not responsible for any possible security errors that may occur, nor the possible damage that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), files or documents stored therein as a result of a virus in the user's computer that was used to connect to the services and contents of the website, a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.


8. Any link to this website must be to its homepage.


9. Any legal action or proceedings arising out or in connection with this website shall be governed by the Portuguese law and shall be submitted to the courts of Lisbon, with express waiving to the jurisdiction of any other court.


10. For the interpretation of this legal notice, as well as the content of the web page, shall be considered the national law and applicable international law


Privacy Policy and Data Protection


The purpose of our privacy policy is to fully respect the legislation on protection of personal data.

Pursuant Act no. 67/98, of 26 October (Act on the Protection of Personal Data) we inform:

"Personal data provided by the user throughout this webpage will be processed upon the user’s consent for specific purposes of receiving the newsletters (news and legal notices) as well as to respond to queries."

The personal information provided will be included in a file of personal data, ownership and responsibility of NOMINAUREA - Consultoria Fiscal e Contabilidade, Lda., ID no. 507 753 712, head office at Av.Duque d'Ávila, 141- 1ºEsqº, 1050-081 Lisbon.

"The user has the right to know the information included in our databases, being enabled to access, modify, delete or oppose the personal data provided, addressing NOMINAUREA, upon notice and copy of your valid ID."

NOMINAUREA ensures that never transmits data to external entities.

Users guarantee and are responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data communicated.

Flash Notícias NA 1/2013
Feriados em 2013 Datas a considerar no processamento salarial

A Lei n.º 23/2012 de 25 junho, que procedeu à terceira alteração ao Código do Trabalho, veio introduzir significativas alterações no regime dos feriados em Portugal.

Flash Notícias NA 6/2015
Alterações ao normativo contabilístico a entrar em vigor em 2016

Foi publicado em 2 de junho o Decreto-Lei n.º 98/2015, que transpôs para Portugal a Diretiva n.º 2013/34/UE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 26 de junho de 2013, relativa às demonstrações financeira anual, às demonstrações financeiras consolidadas e aos relatórios conexos de alguns tipos de empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 7/2015
Alteração da aplicação das taxas de tributação autónoma em viaturas em 2015

Uma das grandes preocupações das empresas são as taxas de tributação autónoma, nomeadamente em relação às viaturas que são as que tem maior relevância na esfera de uma empresa.

Desde 1 de janeiro de 2015, passam a estar sujeitas a tributação autónoma, nos termos já previstos para as viaturas ligeiras de passageiros, os ligeiros de mercadorias referidos na alínea b) do n.º1 do artigo 7.º do Código do Imposto sobre Veículos (CISV) (“automóveis ligeiros de utilização mista e aos automóveis ligeiros de mercadorias, que não sejam tributados pelas taxas reduzidas nem pela taxa intermédia”).

Flash Notícias NA 1/2016
Regras do IVA em operações com entidades relacionadas

Quando empresas ou outras entidades se encontrem em situação de relações especiais por fazerem parte do mesmo grupo económico, podem realizar vendas e outras operações com condições distintas das que são utilizadas entre entidades independentes.

Numa conjuntura económica desfavorável e com elevada carga fiscal a assessoria de contabilidade é uma ferramenta indispensável para as empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 2/2016
O reporte de prejuízos em sede de IRC o que muda com o OE/2016?

O Código do Imposto sobre Rendimento de Pessoas Colectivas (IRC) contém um mecanismo que permite que os prejuízos ocorridos em determinado exercício possam ser compensados em exercícios posteriores em que se verifiquem resultados positivos.