Flash News NA 7/05/2024
Wage Garnishments - New procedures in the issuance of garnishments on the Tax Authority portal

New response procedures to wage garnishments were announced on the website of the Tax and Customs Authority during April, in order to address the reported constraints in their issuance on the portal.

What is it about?

Wage garnishment occurs as a consequence of an employee's inability to honor a specific financial obligation, whether it is towards a public entity (Tax Authority, Social Security, and other state agencies) or a private one (Banks, private service-providing companies, etc). It is a form of coercive collection aimed at reclaiming the creditor's right, realized through the judicial seizure of the employee's wages.

What are the Employer's duties?

Upon receiving notification of the garnishment, the employer must respond within the specified period and act accordingly, deducting the garnishment amount from the employee's wages monthly, in accordance with established rules, and whenever conditions permit the deduction. Subsequently, the employer must make payment to the debtor (Tax Authority, Social Security, Court, etc).

What are its limits?

According to Article 738 of the Civil Procedure Code, wage garnishment must adhere to certain rules:

• The garnishment is applied based on the employee's net wage, i.e., their earnings after legally mandatory deductions;

• The garnishable portion is specified in the notification, generally being one third or one sixth of the net wage;

• During the wage garnishment process, the non-garnishable portion may be two thirds or five sixths of the debtor's salary;

• When applying the garnishment, the employer must ensure that the employee receives at least the equivalent of the guaranteed minimum monthly wage, €820.00 in the current year;

• The garnishable amount has a maximum limit equivalent to three times the guaranteed minimum wage, thus €2,460.00 in the current year [Article 738, CPC, 2013].

How is it calculated?

Based on a net wage of €1,000.00 and adhering to the aforementioned rules, the garnishable portion would be €180.00, and the non-garnishable portion would be €820.00. One third of the considered net wage would correspond to €333.33, however, this wouldn't ensure the minimum guaranteed monthly wage. Considering a garnishable portion of €180.00 would already guarantee the national minimum wage at the current date and the remaining amount would be garnished.

What are the new procedures to be adopted in the issuance of garnishments on the Tax Authority portal?

New response procedures to garnishments were announced on the website of the Tax and Customs Authority during April, in order to address the reported constraints in their issuance on the portal.
Now, to register or consult garnishments and issue payment documents, you should access the Company area, select "Services", search for "Response to requests", and in the "Response to Requests - Response to requests for garnishments, recognition of assets and response to requests for information" field, choose "Other Assets and Rights".

Check the steps below:




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At Nominaurea we have specialized teams to advise and assist you in these matters.


Flash Notícias NA 1/2013
Feriados em 2013 Datas a considerar no processamento salarial

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Flash Notícias NA 6/2015
Alterações ao normativo contabilístico a entrar em vigor em 2016

Foi publicado em 2 de junho o Decreto-Lei n.º 98/2015, que transpôs para Portugal a Diretiva n.º 2013/34/UE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 26 de junho de 2013, relativa às demonstrações financeira anual, às demonstrações financeiras consolidadas e aos relatórios conexos de alguns tipos de empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 7/2015
Alteração da aplicação das taxas de tributação autónoma em viaturas em 2015

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Desde 1 de janeiro de 2015, passam a estar sujeitas a tributação autónoma, nos termos já previstos para as viaturas ligeiras de passageiros, os ligeiros de mercadorias referidos na alínea b) do n.º1 do artigo 7.º do Código do Imposto sobre Veículos (CISV) (“automóveis ligeiros de utilização mista e aos automóveis ligeiros de mercadorias, que não sejam tributados pelas taxas reduzidas nem pela taxa intermédia”).

Flash Notícias NA 1/2016
Regras do IVA em operações com entidades relacionadas

Quando empresas ou outras entidades se encontrem em situação de relações especiais por fazerem parte do mesmo grupo económico, podem realizar vendas e outras operações com condições distintas das que são utilizadas entre entidades independentes.

Numa conjuntura económica desfavorável e com elevada carga fiscal a assessoria de contabilidade é uma ferramenta indispensável para as empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 2/2016
O reporte de prejuízos em sede de IRC o que muda com o OE/2016?

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