At NOMINAUREA we offer an integrated service for the management of human resources to all our clients, so that companies can focus on their activities.

Nominaurea - Human resources


Human resources

We provide our clients with services in administrative management of human resources, performing a set of activities and tasks which include:

+ Human Resources Services

• Measures to support the employment of IEFP and Social Security.

• Creation and maintenance of the personnel database.

• Monthly wage processing.

• Control and updating of professional categories.

• Issuance and delivery of maturity receipts.

• Issuance of statistical, accounting and management lists.

+ Monthly statement of remunerations tax authority - AT

Monthly statement of remuneration (TA) is intended to declare the income of dependent work (category A) earned by taxable persons residing in the national territory, including income exempt from withholding tax, income exempt and still excluded, since paid or made available to its holder.

+ Monthly statement of remuneration Social Security

It is an obligation of the employers to deliver to the social security every month the declaration of remuneration, in which, for every employee at their service, they must indicate the amount of the remuneration that is subject to discounts, working times and the tax rate applicable.

+ Preparation and submission of the human resources report

The human resources report is an electronic statement regarding the company's social activity in a given year. It is a mandatory delivered document by the employer.

The human resources report consists of a main report and six annexes on certain subjects: Annex A - establishment plan; Annex B - Input and output flows of workers; Annex C - annual continuing education report; Annex D - annual report on the activities of the occupational safety and health service; Annex E - Information on strikes; Annex F - information on service providers.

The human resources Report must be submitted between March 16th and April 15th of each year (relative to the previous year's information).

The delivery of the human resources report is the responsibility of the employer and must be done by completing an electronic form on the single report website / portal.

+ Communications to the social security and the authority on working conditions

Communication of admissions and terminations of workers to social security and the authority for working conditions (only for foreign workers).

+ Unions

Preparation and submission of remuneration maps of all unionized workers by the twentieth of the following month to their respective unions.

+ SEPA files

Preparation and submission of SEPA files for the payment of the employees' salaries.

+ Insurance

Being the obligatory work accident insurance in Portugal, we collaborate with our clients in obtaining from the insurers the most appropriate proposals for each situation.

+ Staff - Work Accidents Policy

Permanent updating of the company's staff with the insurance companies, according to the option chosen (fixed or variable premium).

+ Health, safety and health services at work

Being the obligatory health, safety and health services in Portugal, we collaborate with our clients in obtaining, from companies in this sector, the most appropriate proposals for each situation.

+ Digital Platform for human resource management

Provision of a digital platform for human resources management, which allows real-time access to information on the human resources of each company, namely, remunerations, schedules, absences, holidays, individual files of each employee, paycheques, among others.

Flash Notícias NA 1/2013
Feriados em 2013 Datas a considerar no processamento salarial

A Lei n.º 23/2012 de 25 junho, que procedeu à terceira alteração ao Código do Trabalho, veio introduzir significativas alterações no regime dos feriados em Portugal.

Flash Notícias NA 6/2015
Alterações ao normativo contabilístico a entrar em vigor em 2016

Foi publicado em 2 de junho o Decreto-Lei n.º 98/2015, que transpôs para Portugal a Diretiva n.º 2013/34/UE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 26 de junho de 2013, relativa às demonstrações financeira anual, às demonstrações financeiras consolidadas e aos relatórios conexos de alguns tipos de empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 7/2015
Alteração da aplicação das taxas de tributação autónoma em viaturas em 2015

Uma das grandes preocupações das empresas são as taxas de tributação autónoma, nomeadamente em relação às viaturas que são as que tem maior relevância na esfera de uma empresa.

Desde 1 de janeiro de 2015, passam a estar sujeitas a tributação autónoma, nos termos já previstos para as viaturas ligeiras de passageiros, os ligeiros de mercadorias referidos na alínea b) do n.º1 do artigo 7.º do Código do Imposto sobre Veículos (CISV) (“automóveis ligeiros de utilização mista e aos automóveis ligeiros de mercadorias, que não sejam tributados pelas taxas reduzidas nem pela taxa intermédia”).

Flash Notícias NA 1/2016
Regras do IVA em operações com entidades relacionadas

Quando empresas ou outras entidades se encontrem em situação de relações especiais por fazerem parte do mesmo grupo económico, podem realizar vendas e outras operações com condições distintas das que são utilizadas entre entidades independentes.

Numa conjuntura económica desfavorável e com elevada carga fiscal a assessoria de contabilidade é uma ferramenta indispensável para as empresas.

Flash Notícias NA 2/2016
O reporte de prejuízos em sede de IRC o que muda com o OE/2016?

O Código do Imposto sobre Rendimento de Pessoas Colectivas (IRC) contém um mecanismo que permite que os prejuízos ocorridos em determinado exercício possam ser compensados em exercícios posteriores em que se verifiquem resultados positivos.