Flash News NA 30/11/2023
E-clic is the new digital counter to contact Portuguese Social Security

e-Clic is the new digital Social Security counter, designed to improve the relationship with this Portuguese Entity. It is available 24/7 and can be accessed from a computer, tablet, or smartphone. This new channel reinforces the rights of citizens and companies, ensuring simpler, faster, dematerialized, and closer communication.

Users will be able to register on e-Clic requests for information, clarification or even report a complaint on Social Security topics whenever they understand there are situations of illegality or irregularity resulting from actions or omissions of the various Social Security bodies and that their rights have not been duly protected.

New digital services are also available in Direct Social Security Platform https://www.seg-social.pt/seguranca-social-direta , which allow Employers or their representatives to manage employment contract suspensions:

- Register or terminate the suspension of the employment contract.

- Correct suspension of the employment contract (dates and/or reason) and cancel suspension of employment contract that was registered in error.

Social Security provides a web Services Platform that allows a direct and secure connection between its information systems, in a transparent and simplified way.

Services currently available:

Consult Workers | Report Worker Bond | Consult Communications Employee Bonds | Deliver, Replace and Consult Remuneration Statements | Terminate Worker Relationship | Change Contract | Add Income Period | Consult Contracts.

At Nominaurea we are available to support your company in all fundamental topics to develop your activity, always complying with all legal requirements. We await your contact!